Volunteer Opportunities

Friends of The Thread Need You!

Adopt-a-Strand of The Thread

Help care for The Thread by becoming an Adopt-a-Strand volunteer! Stewardship efforts like this send a message that the community supports and cares for our trail system.

As part of a one-year commitment, Adopt a Strand volunteers routinely visit their Thread section to perform the following tasks:

• Assess and report any maintenance needs or vandalism to the City of LaGrange
• Remove any small debris that may be on the trail
• Collect and dispose of any litter along the trail corridor
• Clean trail signs (as needed)
• Trim around the trail signs (as needed)

Interested in volunteering?

We appreciate all of the volunteers and groups who help make a difference in our community by giving their time to The Thread.

Send an email to Executive Director Natalie Hale to get started!
